Welcome to St. James’ & St. Luke’s Church, Glossop. Find out more about us here or contact us – we’d love to hear from you!
December Services
Sunday 1st December – 9.30am Holy Communion Service at St. Luke’s. 11am Morning Praise Service at St. James’ (1st Sunday of Advent).
Sunday 8th December – 9.30am Morning Praise Service at St. Luke’s. 11am Holy Communion Service at St. James’ (2nd Sunday of Advent).
Sunday 15th December – 9.30am Holy Communion Service at St. Luke’s. 11am Morning Praise Service at St. James’ (3rd Sunday of Advent). Traditional Carols by Candlelight Service, 6pm at St. Luke’s.
Sunday 22nd December – 9.00am Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion service in the Chancel at St. James’. All-age Parish Carol Service with visiting guest Bishop Libby, 10.30am at St. James’ (4th Sunday of Advent).
Tuesday 24th December – Family Christingle Service, 6pm at St. James’. Midnight Communion Service, 11pm at St. Luke’s.
Wednesday 25th December – Christmas Day Celebration, 10.30am St. James’.
Sunday 29th December – All-age Service (A Chocolate Swap Shop!) with guest speakers, Nick and Donna Rogers, 10.30am St. Luke’s. A ‘Bring and Share’ fellowship lunch will follow the service.
Midweek services take place on Wednesdays 10.30am at St. James’.
Please note, the Wednesday, 4th December will be at St. Luke’s, followed by lunch at Windy Harbour for those who have pre-booked.
There’s lots going on throughout the week. We’d love you to join us!
We produce an audio recording of the sermon most weeks. Use the button below to take you to the the sermon page.
There’s lots going on – use the menus above or the shortcuts below to find out more!
Who are we?
We are a lively part of the Church of England in Glossop! As people of different ages and backgrounds, we are on a journey to grow together in living and loving like Jesus – growing in our love for God, for one another and for others. We believe in sharing God’s love with our local community – providing activities for toddlers, children, youth, the elderly, and those in between. Further afield, we also support mission partners who share our desire to bring God’s hope – aid to the needy, encouraging faith, and caring for God’s world. We’d love you to join us on our journey!
Thank you to everyone who expresses their love for God and for others through giving time or money. It enables us to do what we do for our local community and through partners around the world. To find out how you can be part of this, click here
We are committed to ensuring that our church is a safe place for everyone including children, young people, survivors of abuse and vulnerable adults. The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding (including the CofE Safeguarding Parish Handbook) which may be found on the CofE website. You can view other safeguarding information here.
If you need to report a safeguarding concern or have any queries, please contact our Safeguarding Officer, Tracey Fellows on 07592 939928 or safeguardingwhitfield@gmail.com. Or to contact the Diocese of Derby please click here. The Dicocesan Safeguarding Advisor is Lisa Marriott on 01332 388678 or safeguarding@derby.anglican.org.
National Helplines
Call 999 if a child or adult is in immediate danger of significant or serious harm
NSPCC – 0808 800 5000
Childline – 0800 1111
Stop it Now – 0808 1000 900
NAPAC – 0808 801 0331
Samaritans – 116 123
Family Lives – 0808 800 2222
National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000 247
Action on Elder Abuse – 0808 808 8141