Sunday Online 05/02/2023

Do join us at St.Luke’s 9.30am or St.James’ 11am. This week we will continue follow our sermon series on Philippians. This week David Bracewell will explore the theme of ‘Be focused’. You can find study notes to dig deeper here. We look forward to welcoming you.

Watch later or browse other past live streams by clicking here:

What can I pray for?

  • Pray that we would keep our hearts and minds fixed on Christ and that we would seek unity in Him.
  • Pray for our church during this time of change and transition.
  • Pray for one another that we would be challenged to meet together in different ways to pray.
  • Pray that we would continue to use our buildings to reach out, pray especially for the ‘Warm Space’ following Coffee Pot on a Thursday.

How to Pray or Read the Bible

It’s good to get into a daily habit of daily prayer and reading the Bible. There are lots of ways to do this. We’ve given some suggestions on this website on ‘How can I pray?’ and ‘How can I read the Bible?’. If you need help, do ask us – we’d love to help!

New Here?

If you’d like to keep in touch, need some practical help, a prayer, or would like to explore faith a bit more… then just let us know via our Contact Page. We’d love to hear from you.

What Next?

If you’d like to join a Growth Group, to get to know other people and explore life and faith together, then let us know here.

How do I follow the Service?

EITHER: Click on the service above

OR: (on a TV or device): 1: Open the YouTube app; 2: Search for St James & St Lukes Church. 3: Subscribe. 4: Click on the Live Stream (or Playlists for previous week’s services). 5: Once you’ve subscribed, you should be able to find each week’s playlist quickly.