Sunday Online 17/07/22

Our live stream from St James’ Church building from 11am Sunday…

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Healthy Habit: Discipling


Questions from today’s speaker. You can use some of these in Growth Groups or alone:

Read through 1 Corinthians 9:19-23

  • How passionate are you about sharing the Good News of Jesus?
  • What kind of cultural barriers do you think can get in the way for you, and how might you go about breaking these down?
  • What practical steps could you take to discover where God is working and be more intentional about getting alongside people where they are and really listening to them?
  • In following Paul’s teaching here, is there a danger of blending in with culture so much that we are no longer distinctive as Christians?
    • What limits do you think Paul would put on becoming like others?
    • In what ways should we be distinctive? In what ways should we be less distinctive?
  • Challenge: Each day this week: Ask God to give you an opportunity to share something about your faith with someone.

What can I pray for?

  • Pray for those who seek to share the good news about Jesus in cultures very different from their own
  • Pray for those in our community who think of church as irrelevant to them – and pray for us as a church to reach them
  • Pray for our nation as the process of choosing a new Prime Minister continues.

How to Pray or Read the Bible

It’s good to get into a daily habit of daily prayer and reading the Bible. There are lots of ways to do this. We’ve given some suggestions on this website on ‘How can I pray?’ and ‘How can I read the Bible?’. If you need help, do ask us – we’d love to help!

Recommended Reading for this Series

There are plenty of good books on ‘Healthy Habits’ (or Spiritual Disciplines). Here are a few:

  • The Life You’ve Always Wanted – by John Ortberg
  • Holy Habits – by Andrew Roberts
  • Celebration of Discipline – Richard Foster (an old classic)

New Here?

If you’d like to keep in touch, need some practical help, a prayer, or would like to explore faith a bit more… then just let us know via our Contact Page. We’d love to hear from you.

What Next?

You can also join us in our buildings – if you would like to. More details here

Join us to Pray for our church, community and the world on Sundays at 5:45- 6:30pm via Zoom.
Zoom Meeting ID: 846 9100 8512 Password: 316

If you’d like to join a Growth Group, to get to know other people and explore life and faith together, then let us know here.

How do I follow the Service?

EITHER: Click on the service above

OR: (on a TV or device): 1: Open the YouTube app; 2: Search for St James & St Lukes Church. 3: Subscribe. 4: Click on the Live Stream (or Playlists for previous week’s services). 5: Once you’ve subscribed, you should be able to find each week’s playlist quickly.