Growth Groups

Growth Groups are a key part of our church, which we encourage everyone to be part of.
What are Growth Groups?
- Small groups made up of 6-15 people who meet at least fortnightly.
- Different in style, but with core things in common
All Growth Groups are seeking to grow…
- Closer to God – through prayer, exploring the Bible and sharing experiences of God in our day-to-day lives
- Closer to one another – having fun, being friends, sharing problems and caring for one another.
- Closer to others – praying for our community and inviting friends.
Groups follow core material shared across the church for weekly or fortnightly meetings. This material links to the church’s Sunday themes. Over the coming weeks we will be exploring the qualities of a growing church as we continue to develop our Mission Action Plan (MAP). The study notes can be used by the Growth Groups. You can access these studies from the links below.
Prayer and People
A Growing Church (MAP)
Lenten and Easter Studies
Philippians Study Guides
If you’re interested in joining a growth group, please contact the church office or talk to Hilary or Martin. We can then suggest a group that you could try, and introduce you to the group leader online.
You can find a more detailed explanation of Growth Groups here…
Extra Resources: