Sunday Online 16/10/2022

Our live stream from St James’ Church building from 11am Sunday…

Watch later or browse other past live streams by clicking here:

Questions from today’s speaker. You can use some of these in Growth Groups or alone:

Read through Luke 18:1-8


  1. Have you ever faced a situation where you felt like giving up?
  2. How would you describe the judge?
  3. Why did the widow go to the judge and why didn’t she give up?
  4. Will he find faith on the earth?
  5. How does this parable challenge your prayer life?

What can I pray for?

  • Pray for our church as we move into a time of change and transition – including for Sandie and the new churchwarden and for the person who isn’t elected.
  • Pray for those suffering from the floods in Pakistan. You can find a Tearfund prayer guide here
  • Pray for families, children and schools in our local area as a new school year begins.

How to Pray or Read the Bible

It’s good to get into a daily habit of daily prayer and reading the Bible. There are lots of ways to do this. We’ve given some suggestions on this website on ‘How can I pray?’ and ‘How can I read the Bible?’. If you need help, do ask us – we’d love to help!

New Here?

If you’d like to keep in touch, need some practical help, a prayer, or would like to explore faith a bit more… then just let us know via our Contact Page. We’d love to hear from you.

What Next?

If you’d like to join a Growth Group, to get to know other people and explore life and faith together, then let us know here.

How do I follow the Service?

EITHER: Click on the service above

OR: (on a TV or device): 1: Open the YouTube app; 2: Search for St James & St Lukes Church. 3: Subscribe. 4: Click on the Live Stream (or Playlists for previous week’s services). 5: Once you’ve subscribed, you should be able to find each week’s playlist quickly.