Lent 2024
Lent is an important part of the Christian calendar, beginning on Ash Wednesday until Easter Eve. It is a time of reflection, study and preparation for Easter.
This lent there are various ways that you can meet with others to journey in faith together.
St. James’
There will be a series of five studies, led by Rob Shimwell based on exploring psalms for living and praying. The first session begins on Sunday 18th February, 4.30pm at St.James’ Church. All are very welcome.

Services across Glossopdale
The churches in Glossopdale are offering a services on Thursdays during Lent. Each service will be in the tradition and style of the church leading it. The first service will take place Thursday 15th February, 7.00pm at St.James’ Church. All are welcome to attend.
On Saturday mornings during Lent, there will be a prayer study group at Glossop Parish Church, 9.30am starting Saturday 17th February.