APCM 2024
The annual parochial church meeting will be held on Sunday 28th April at 12.15pm after the morning service (10.30am – joint all age service) at St. James’ Church. Please find below the ‘Notice of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting’ and the ‘Notice of a Meeting for the Election of Churchwardens’. You can download the agenda for the meeting below.
Electoral Roll 2024
The revised Electoral Roll 2024 is available to view below. Errors and omissions may be amended, no new names may be added at this stage.
Elected Representatives
Below are the nomination forms for PCC, Deanery Synod and Church Wardens (there is also an information sheet on the Role of Churchwardens). Paper copies are available in the churches. Nominees for PCC (including those applying for Deanery Synod Reps) should write a short statement of up to 150 words, about why they are seeking elections. Nominees for Churchwarden should write a statement of up to 250 words, which will be read out at the APCM. All statements should be emailed to the Church Office, alongside the application form.
(4 places to be elected for a three year term)
Deanery Synod
Deanery Synod representatives are expected to commit to attending Deanery Synod meetings and providing feedback to the PCC. The upcoming Deanery Synod meetings are to be confirmed
(2 places to be elected for a two year term. Deanery Synod members are automatically on PCC for this period)
(2 to be elected until 2025. Churchwardens are automatically on PCC for this period)
The PCC normally meets about 6 times per year (in person) on Monday evenings, although from time to time additional meetings are needed.
If you have any questions about the role, then speak to Hilary, Martin or another member of the PCC.
Please return completed forms to Suzanne (PCC Secretary) via the Church Office or by post.
If you want to contact the PCC, you can email, write or phone the PCC Secretary, Suzanne Gregory at the Church Office.
Current Nominations
This will be updated periodically, the table will show who has been nominated and will include their statement.
APCM 2024 Agenda
Annual Report of 2023
We hope that you enjoy reading the Annual Report, it is a real celebration of all that God has done this last year. If you have any questions that you would like to bring to the APCM, we encourage you to email them in to the Church Office ahead of the meeting (office@whitfieldparish.org).